One Embryo - Normal - Guaranteed
Global Egg Bank
Women's Specialty and Fertility Center (WS&FC) has been working to develop a new brand, the Global Egg Bank, to provide a new and simplified way to use third party reproduction. Donor profiles at the Global Egg Bank include a variety of nationalities, races, and ethnicities.
Through the Global Egg Bank, WS&FC can offer specialized services and opportunities to families seeking third party reproduction through an IVF Angel program. Enrolled patients will receive discounted embryo generation fees, concierge services, and twice as many eggs as other US Egg Banks.
In accordance with 21 CFR Part 1271, all US eligible donors are approved by the FDA. International donors are screened and evaluated in accordance with international standards, with embryo generation in associated labs.
** Prices for third party reproduction through the IVF Angel Program will be created and handled exclusively by the Donor Coordinator. **
Concierge Donor Services
Patients will be offered a concierge service allowing them to obtain three donor profiles at no cost. This is an excellent way for each family to find the perfect match, while also eliminating the need for them to spend an overwhelming amount of time searching through different egg bank databases.
Cryopreservation and Embryo Generation
Until donor eggs become available at Women's Speciality and Fertility Center, sperm will be cryopreserved (frozen) at Valley Andrology Fertility Center.
In the event that the donor eggs are from a foreign location, the sperm will be transported to one of our network laboratories. After the sperm is delivered, the lab will generate and test embryos.
As soon as the embryos are generated and tested, they will be shipped to Women's Specialty and Fertility Center in order to continue with a frozen embryo transfer.
Find Your Perfect Donor
Global Egg Bank
Click here to view our wide variety of egg donor profiles.